The makers of Allari Naresh’s 63nd movie chose his birthday occasion to announce the flick to be helmed by Subbu Mangadevi. Razesh Danada and Balaji Gutta will bankroll the project under the banner of Hasya Movies. The film’s opening has been held splendidly today and the makers have also announced its title.
Allari Naresh is going to show his power as Bachchala Malli. The actor who has been attempting unique subjects of late will play an action-packed role in this action-drama film which is set in 1990. The title poster shows a tractor falling into a valley. This vehicle seems to be of the protagonist whose name is Bachchala Malli.
The story is set in the backdrop of the 1990s. Amritha Aiyer is roped in to play the female lead in the movie for which Vishal Chandrasekhar will render the soundtracks and Richard M Nathan will handle the cinematography.
Tags Allari Naresh